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Windrush scandal

Equality, diversity and inclusion’.

Alexandra Ankrah a former barrister and senior Home Office employee quit her position. Because her former colleagues showed a lack of empathy.

The proposals that Alexandra put forward to address the Windrush scandal were rejected.

  • There were complaints of racism and discrimination within Home Office teams

  • The programme was “not supportive of people who have been victims”.

  • And “does not acknowledge victim’s trauma”

The Windrush Compensation scheme was set up to compensate Windrush victims.

  • The compensation scheme has been running from October, and for the 18 months, £1.6m to date only paid 196 people.

  • Officials had expected thousands to apply.

  • And estimated that the government might have to pay out between £200m and £570m.

At least nine people have died before receiving the compensation they applied for.


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