Abuse can happen anywhere. It may happen at home, in a care home, hospital, day centre or in a public place. Anyone can be an abuser, but it is usually someone known to the person.
Abuse can take many forms and may include:
Physical abuse
Domestic abuse
Sexual abuse
Psychological abuse
Financial or material abuse
Modern slavery
Discriminatory abuse
Sexual exploitation
Organisational abuse
Neglect or acts of omission
Self neglect.
If you are concerned that an adult is being abused or neglected:
In an emergency situation call the Police on 999.
If you think there has been a crime but it is not an emergency, call the Police on 101.
If you are concerned about yourself or another adult who may be being abused or neglected, contact Adult Social Care in the area in which the person lives, on the numbers, email address, or by completing an online form
Reading - call 0118 937 3747 or email safeguarding.adults@reading.gov.uk
West Berkshire - call 01635 519056 or email safeguardingadults@westberks.gov.uk
Wokingham call 0118 974 6371 or email Adultsafeguardinghub@wokingham.gov.uk
For help out of normal working hours contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01344 786 543 or email edt@bracknell-forest.gov.uk
References and Website; https://www.berkshirewestsafeguardingchildrenpartnership.org.uk/scp