Dear Community and Faith Groups
We would like to seek your feedback on the new borough-wide Reading All Age Autism Strategy to ensure all partners and organisations are doing everything they can to help autistic people in Reading.
The Reading’s All-Age Autism Needs Assessment informed the 2022-26 Strategy, designed by autistic residents, parent carers, professionals working with autistic children and adults, local partners and statutory services. It has identified a number of key priorities that matter to the life and wellbeing of autistic people in Reading.
The seven key priority areas identified in the Reading All Age Autism Needs Assessment are:
• Improving awareness, understanding and acceptance of autism
• Improving support and access to early years, education and supporting positive transitions and preparing for adulthood
• Increasing employment, vocation and training opportunities for autistic people
• Better lives for autistic people - tackling health and care inequalities and building the right support in the community and supporting people in inpatient care
• Housing and Independent Living
• Keeping safe and the Criminal and Youth Justice System
• Supporting families and carers of autistic people
A public consultation has now been launched to gather feedback ahead of finalising identified priorities which autistic people in Reading have said they want addressed over the next four year period.
The consultation runs until 18thSeptember and we want to hear your views and the views of people you work with and support – please fee free to share the consultation link with your contacts:
A draft copy of the strategy and an Easy Read version are available on the consultation page. There will also be a public event, details of which will be shared in the near future.
Kind regards
Nina Crispin
Information & Engagement Officer
Public Health and Wellbeing Team
Directorate of Adult Care and Health Services
Reading Borough Council
Level 2, Civic Offices,
Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU
T: 07811 026070
Working days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday