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Dear Members

Following the devastation caused by the hurricane. If you wish to make a monetary donation, please see the links below for two ways you can help SVG:


The National Council of Saint Vincent & The Grenadines GoFundMe Link.


Or SVG Official government disaster relief fund

*Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' Disaster Relief Fund - Hurricane Beryl!!*

Hurricane Beryl impacted Saint Vincent and the Grenadines at category 4. Reports show severe devastation in the Southern Grenadine Island of Union Island, where 90% of homes were severely damaged or completely destroyed. Similar levels of significant damage were reported for the Grenadine Islands of Mayreau, Mustique, Petit St. Vincent, Palm Island and Canouan.

There have been two confirmed deaths and word of other fatalities and casualties are looming.

Please click the link below if you wish to make a financial donation to the relief efforts.

Thank you for your invaluable support in this time of sadness, loss and devastation.

Thank you

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