When are the flights going to stop ? There seems to be no easing of restrictions here.
Even though, it has been brought to the government’s notice the unlawful removal of people of the Windrush is still happening!
People with no notice are removed from their families, taken to dirty detention centres with no legal representation available and no proper medical attention and then swiftly flown to the country whence they came from.
It doesn’t matter that the ‘returnee’ has not been in this country to live since a child.
Lets not get the issue twisted !
There are those that have ‘shamefully’ not respected the laws of this land and in the process may have hurt the people around them. By their their very actions one could presume all are ‘tarred by the same brush’.
For this small percentage, yes there has to be punishment but to punish the ‘hard working lawful person’ who has made this country their home, along with their family ties it’s very hard to see and hear that this should happen to them..