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House Fire - Reading UK

House Fire....

Our crews are responding to a fire on Mill Lane, Hurley, Maidenhead. Please avoid the area if possible, but if you live nearby, keep windows and doors closed as there is smoke nearby.

Further updates will be provided in due course.

Update: 10:50am Crews from Maidenhead, Windsor, two crews from Slough and a Multi Role Vehicle from Maidenhead have been sent to the scene, together with two crews from Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (Official). Please continue to avoid the area if possible.

Update: 1pm Upon arrival, firefighters found a fire in the annexe and garage of the property. Four firefighters wearing breathing apparatus extinguished the fire using two hose reels. Two jets and a light portable pump were also used.

Crews initially attended the scene for about one hour and 10 minutes, but several crews remain on the scene damping down and ensuring scene safety.

Martin Simmonds, Watch Based Station Manager, said: “Our crews worked hard alongside partner agencies at this dynamic and challenging incident and thanks to their efforts, we were able to stop the spread of the fire to the main property. Thanks must also go to the local community for their patience while this incident was dealt with.”

photo by RBFRS

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