More to follow about Sickle Cell Brixton

The blood bank needs more people to come forward so that their blood would benifit many into the community especially those who suffer with Scickle Cell.
The need for more Black heritage donors
The need for more donors, especially those of Black Caribbean and Black African heritage has never been greater. Blood donations from Black communities are key to treating the increasing numbers of people with sickle cell disease, the UK’s fastest growing genetic disorder.
Donors from Black Caribbean and Black African heritage are significantly more likely to have the specific ‘Ro’ blood type used to treat sickle cell - a debilitating, life-limiting condition that disproportionately affects the Black community.
More than half of Black heritage blood donors (56 per cent) have the Ro blood type, compared with just 2.4 per cent of donors from other ethnicities.
NHS Blood and Transplant data shows that in 2023/24, 210 donations of blood were needed each day to treat patients with sickle cell disease across England, with over three quarters of this blood – 160 units – needed by hospitals in London.
Please register now and book an appointment on our website, on the GiveBloodNHS app or call 0300 123 23 23.