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*EVENT 31st August 2024

We are pleased to announce The Memorial Olly Stephens Angling event will be taking place again this year on Saturday 31st August 2024 at The Waterside in Woodley.

The event will be raising money for three different charities:

· Parenting Special Children - for children with special educational needs

· No 5 - children's mental health counselling

· Ben Kinsella Trust - anti knife crime education

The fishing events over the past couple of years have allowed over 100 children to fish for the first time, their faces a picture and they shared that it was good to be outside, doing something rather than sat on their phones or devices in their bedrooms.

Amanda Stephens said "It is just over 3.5 painful years since we lost Olly to knife crime, aged just 13, we call it our “Olly’s work” we campaign for our children to be safer in the on and offline world. We fundraise to support the charities that helped us and our son."

Parenting Special Children

No5 Young People

The Ben Kinsella Trust

Amanda Stephens

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