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Hello Everyone,

I trust you are all keeping warm and safe.

I would love it if you could please share this information below with every person you know 😊 to help keep them safe over this festive period and beyond.

Reading will be entering Tier 4 from 00:01 on Saturday 19th December 2020

Please watch the video from David Munday, our Public Health Consultant here:

The rules are:

  1. You cannot mix indoors, In private gardens, or in most outdoor venues, except with your own household or bubble.

  2. You can meet in a group of up to six from other households in public outdoor spaces, such as parks.

  3. Avoid travelling from a Tier 3 area to a Tier 2 area unless it is an essential journey such as going to work when you can’t do your job from home.

  4. Bars, restaurants and cafés must stay closed, except for delivery or takeaway.

The self-isolation period has changed from 14 days to 10 days. This is for:

  1. Anyone who has come into contact with someone with Covid-19.

  2. Returning from a country that is not on the travel corridor list.

  3. Anyone testing positive for Covid-19 to continue to self-isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms, or 10 days from the point of taking a positive test if you are asymptomatic.

Christmas Bubble

Christmas Bubble will cover the period of 23rd December to 27th December 2020. More information is available here:

But please remember that just because you can meet with up to two other households doesn’t mean you should and that Christmas bubbles could impact on what you are allowed to do in the New Year.

Covid-19 vaccination

Updates and news:

  1. BBC has excellent videos about vaccination in five different south Asian languages done by Asian British doctors which you can watch here:

  2. Imam Monawar Hussain, the Muslim Chaplain in Oxford, who received his COVID-19 vaccine on the second day of the rollout at the Churchill Hospital has posted a video which you can watch here:

  3. Royal Society for Public Health has published a report stating that people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups are less likely to take Covid-19 vaccination compared to White British. You can find the report here:

As always, if there are any feedback/concerns/questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you and please stay safe and warm.

Enjoy your weekend,

Best wishes,

Unis Nisa

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