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The removal of Christopher Columbus three ships from the Trinidad and Tobago Coat of Arms. Christopher Columbus three ships is to be replaced by 'steel pans', the national instrument.


The list of foreign states is interesting, in that, nearly all the countries of the world are on this list, listing the year as its 'adoption date'.

And so, it is for the Trinidadian and Tobago flag with the official listed date as officially adopted on 09-08-1962. For most countries the date of flag adoption is clear, but for others the exact date of flag adoption is unknown or disputed because of design changes.

The three ships are the fleet of Columbus and these are the ships to be removed. Above the ships are two hummingbirds. The red ibis (Eudocimus ruber) is the national bird of Trinidad, standing on a three-topped hill, from which the island got its name (mountain of trinity). The Cocrico (Ortalis ruficauda) bird on the left side is the national bird of Tobago.

Photo credits; Wikipedia

The Voice Newspaper reported that the Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Keith Rowley made the announcement of the changes to the Coat of Arms at a special People’s National Movement convention over the weekend.
The PM stated that the three Columbus ships on the twin-island nation’s emblem is “substantial in how we see ourselves” and it is now time for change.
“You see them three Columbus ships in the emblem? They will go” said Rowley. He also went on to say that...
“Since we have enough votes in Parliament to do it, I could announce now that as soon as the legislative adjustment is made—and that adjustment should be made before the 24th of September—we then over a six-month period will replace Columbus’ three ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Niña, with the steelpan,” Mr Rowley said, as the audience clapped and cheered.
Credits ; THE VOICE NEWSPAPER Full story online.

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