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3-part program called The Executive Challenge - 12 - 17 year old girls

Do you know any that would benefit from taking part in a program which gives them access into the corporate world?

The company I work for, The Women’s Association, run a 3-part program called The Executive Challenge in which young girls have the chance to have:

• 2x30 minute calls with an exec

• mentoring for 12 months via the execs company

• a 3-day project based work experience at the execs company.

We have calls lined up with Ernest & Young and we’re looking for girls who can come on board. (Other companies that have signed up include Sky, Wavemaker, Alfa, Paragon, Stella McCartney, Investec etc)

Feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested. They can text/WhatsApp me on 07756954964 / email me

'Raising the visibility of women in every sphere is vital to empowering women and achieving gender parity. It takes an accumulation of role models – real-life examples of what girls and women can do if given the opportunity – to change entrenched attitudes." Dr Ansary, UN Women Global Champion,

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